Real-life Myanmar

With Myanmar in the news again for all the wrong reasons, Sonia Reimannova reminds us about what’s so magical about this enigmatic country.

Czech blogger and photographer, Sonia Reimmanova, only got to visit two places in Myanmar – Yangon and Ngapali Beach.

She had hoped to see more of the country but COVID hit and her plans were changed.

But even in that short time Myanmar made quite the impact.

‘I can honestly say that it was the most beautiful trip I have ever been on,’ she says. 

What made Myanmar so special? The ancient pagodas are spectacular, of course. And riding Yangon’s circle train was a ‘fast track’ into local life. Having a beautiful long white sand beach to yourself is pretty special too.

It was the Burmese people Sonia remembers most fondly.

She found them to be sweet and unobtrusive, friendly and genuine.

‘It’s a place for souls that seek peace, serenity, beautiful simplicity and genuine happiness,’ says Sonia.

And why the recent crackdown by the military there is an absolute travesty.

Read more about Sonia’s Myanmar adventures on her blog,

Main image: Woman leaving the circle train in Yangon (© Sonia Reimannova)

About Author /

Sonia Reimannova is a Czech photographer and travel blogger living in Malaysia.

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